Mill Hill East Jewish Community Goes Weekly
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Thursday 28th February 2019

25 February 2019 - Mill Hill East Jewish Community (MHE) held their first weekly Shabbat morning service at Canada Villa, a year after their inaugural fortnightly Shabbat morning service took place.

This is a significant milestone for the newly established Jewish community. To date, over 100 members from all ages have joined MHE since becoming a full member community of the United Synagogue in April 2018.

MHE’s fortnightly Shabbat services typically attract between 70 and 100 people, and MHE are hoping a similar number will be joining every Shabbat. The community prides itself on its educational, social, family and interfaith events as well as its vibrant prayer services. It also supports wider initiatives including Shabbat UK, where this year MHE are putting on a MHE Challah Bake, a Friday night communal meal with a speaker, and participatory Shabbat activities for all the family*.

Last year, MHE held its first Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur services which were attended by over 150 people. Rabbinic couple Bentzi and Michal Mann joined MHE in October and have been a huge driving force for the continuous growth of the community, where they are putting on numerous communal events including an upcoming Purim Seuda, and a Communal Seder.

Co-founder Avi Gillis commented:

“We have come so far as a community. It’s incredible to think that we are already going weekly after starting from nothing two years ago.

“We also must thank Canada Villa youth centre, run by Barnet Council who have partnered with us to ensure that we can have weekly services for our community. As well as all of the community members who host our Friday night services.

“We have over 100 members and that number is growing weekly. The response we have had from the community has been overwhelming, and what makes MHE so special is how every single member is part of this amazing journey. In everything we do, we rely on volunteers within the community, from shabbat services to educational, social, interfaith and family events to marketing and PR.”

Co-founder Josh Kleiman commented:

“A big thank you goes to the United Synagogue. The US Centre and its staff has been very supportive and encouraging in response to all of our ideas and suggestions, which has allowed MHE to become the best community it can truly be. We look forward to continuing to work in partnership to ensure we achieve our goal of building a dynamic, vibrant and inclusive Jewish community.”

*If you are interested attending Mill Hill East Jewish Community’s Friday night dinner, secure your place here.

By Sara Neidle